Aarti Chabria recently dropped some photos flauting her baby bump and announced that she’s expecting her first child with husband Visharad Beedassy. But the actress has alreadyd delivered a baby boy a month ago, on March 4. She’s named him Yuvaan.
The actress opened up about her pregnancy in an interview with Hindustan Times and revealed that she kept it underw wraps due to the complications she was having.”There is no right time set in stone, so I thought I will talk about it when I am ready. Now, I feel ready because it’s been a month since my baby was delivered.” Aarti said she kept wearing ghaghras and high waist dresses with dupattas to hide her baby bump.
Aarti had tied the knot in 2019 and she was stuck in Austrailia away from her partner due to Covid, hence conceiving took time and she was anxious as she was crossing 40s. She also suffered a miscarriage unfortunately before this. “It was stressful to be away and you can’t conceive when you are going through those emotions. You are struggling to adjust to a new place and new people. It’s a lot that your body is going through biologically as well,” she shares, adding that her journey to become a mother hasn’t been easy: “When you are delivering at 41, it’s not as easy as when you are in your 20s or 30s,” said Aarti.
Aarti admitted she did not talk about it as she had a failed pregnancy before this but now she’s no longer shying away from it because people also need to realise that actors are normal human beings and even they go through difficult time. She threw light on the fact that people have misconceptions about actors that their lives are easy because they have money but that’s not the case.These treatments can cause havoc on one’s body. Aarti said she was getting a doube chin, her body was getting out of shape, and her body was reacting differently to different medecines and she couldn’t help. “I wasn’t willing to do more than even one cycle, I was done,” said Aarti. But now, she’s all happy with her newborn boy finally coming into her life!
The actress opened up about her pregnancy in an interview with Hindustan Times and revealed that she kept it underw wraps due to the complications she was having.”There is no right time set in stone, so I thought I will talk about it when I am ready. Now, I feel ready because it’s been a month since my baby was delivered.” Aarti said she kept wearing ghaghras and high waist dresses with dupattas to hide her baby bump.
Aarti had tied the knot in 2019 and she was stuck in Austrailia away from her partner due to Covid, hence conceiving took time and she was anxious as she was crossing 40s. She also suffered a miscarriage unfortunately before this. “It was stressful to be away and you can’t conceive when you are going through those emotions. You are struggling to adjust to a new place and new people. It’s a lot that your body is going through biologically as well,” she shares, adding that her journey to become a mother hasn’t been easy: “When you are delivering at 41, it’s not as easy as when you are in your 20s or 30s,” said Aarti.
Aarti admitted she did not talk about it as she had a failed pregnancy before this but now she’s no longer shying away from it because people also need to realise that actors are normal human beings and even they go through difficult time. She threw light on the fact that people have misconceptions about actors that their lives are easy because they have money but that’s not the case.These treatments can cause havoc on one’s body. Aarti said she was getting a doube chin, her body was getting out of shape, and her body was reacting differently to different medecines and she couldn’t help. “I wasn’t willing to do more than even one cycle, I was done,” said Aarti. But now, she’s all happy with her newborn boy finally coming into her life!