Renowned filmmaker Gurinder Chadha has refuted rumors of Alia Bhatt portraying an Indian princess in her upcoming Disney project. Gurminder Chadha took to Twitter to clarify, stating that discussions with Bhatt were about another project, not the speculated one. The script for the film is still in development.
The project conceptualized as an original musical feature inspired by a historic Indian princess, remains a collaboration between Chadha and screenwriter Paul Mayeda Berges.Despite much anticipation, details of the storyline are yet to be disclosed.
The project conceptualized as an original musical feature inspired by a historic Indian princess, remains a collaboration between Chadha and screenwriter Paul Mayeda Berges.Despite much anticipation, details of the storyline are yet to be disclosed.
“This is not true. Not sure where this started. The script is still in the works. Alia and I had a meeting bout another project and I attended her charity gala recently,” read Gurinder’s tweet.
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt continues her streak of diverse roles. Following her debut in Hollywood with ‘Heart of Stone,’ she gears up for ‘Jigra,’ a film directed by Vasan Bala exploring sibling dynamics. Additionally, Bhatt joins the spy universe in a lead role, accompanied by Sharvari Wagh and Bobby Deol. She also reunites with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali for ‘Love & War,’ an ambitious venture featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Vicky Kaushal.