The teaser of Allu Arjun‘s Pushpa’ has sent out positive waves in the film trade of both North and South. India. Trade analyst Taran adarsh said that the dialogue ‘Pushpa Jhukegaa nahi’ will come true at the box office. He said, “It is going to be a hurricane at the box office. I would like to say ‘Pushpa jhukega nahi flower nahi fire hai. He will rule the box office.It is too early to say as they have just launched the teaser on his birthday and Pushpa is a pan India movie. Telugu will be humongous, Hindi will be huge and he has big fan base in Kerala also.”
Most trade pundits feel it is the only Pan India movie that has created buzz much before its release. Trade analyst Ramesh Bala said, “In 2024, Pushpa 2 is one pan india movie that has lot of expectations in both South and North. Like Baahubali and RRR, one film that can take this prestigious line up forward, it would be Pushpa 2. All across the country people are excited about Pushpa 2.”
He adds, “No other film has buzz as big as Pushpa 2. There are films like Prabhas’s Kalki or Devara but Pushpa 2 buzz is more than those films. The advantage for Pushpa 2 it is a sequel of a successful film and has a mass genre which is big appeal for Bihar and UP audience.”
Pushpa 2 will clash with Ajay Devgn’s Singham Again, commenting on it trade analyst Girish Wankhede said, “The teaser speaks volume about the grandeur and the massy elements which is the trademark of this franchisee. This is one of the most anticipated sequels of the recent times and it clashing with Singam Again makes it more prudent. Both have been the spectacularly frontrunners in the game of action franchisee and them clashing on Independence day makes this more intriguing. “
Allu Arjun was already a big draw for North Indian audience watching Hindi dubbed version of his films and Pushpa success got those loyal audience to cinema halls. Wankhede said, “It has all the elements of a super successful Blockbuster franchise. It oozes the charisma of a Superstar, great visual impact and a fabulous background score. Pushpa 2 has its strong fans across the globe and the teaser looks so amazingly arresting that it keeps you in awe by its style and swag. “
Pushpa 2 will help Allu Arjun in a big way and the expectations from the actor is huge. Bala said, “Pushpa 2 is going to make Allu Arjun a much bigger star and if it becomes a blockbuster there is no stopping him. Even Pushpa made it big at the box office when no one was expecting it.”
So what are the trade expectations in terms of numbers at the box office? Adarsh felt it is too early to say anything, but Ramesh Bala opined, “It can easily take an opening of Rs 100 crore and can go upto a business of Rs 1000 if the content is as good as Pushpa 1.” Wankhede added, “It is not about 500 crores 1000 crores, but it is more than that. It is more about thinking beyond the thinkable with Pushpa 2. I think we will be ruling the masses the way its byline says Pushpa: The Rule. This teaser has been one of the most impressive ones and the tempo and stage is set for its mammoth run. It will be the most phenomenal film of this year for sure.”
Akshaye Rathi who is an exhibitor said, “Going by the hype and euphoria, there is a bit of chance that it may be the solo release, subject to a lot of things moving around. There is a high chance that Pushpa 2 can open at Rs 40-50 crore in Hindi alone.”
Most trade pundits feel it is the only Pan India movie that has created buzz much before its release. Trade analyst Ramesh Bala said, “In 2024, Pushpa 2 is one pan india movie that has lot of expectations in both South and North. Like Baahubali and RRR, one film that can take this prestigious line up forward, it would be Pushpa 2. All across the country people are excited about Pushpa 2.”
He adds, “No other film has buzz as big as Pushpa 2. There are films like Prabhas’s Kalki or Devara but Pushpa 2 buzz is more than those films. The advantage for Pushpa 2 it is a sequel of a successful film and has a mass genre which is big appeal for Bihar and UP audience.”
Pushpa 2 will clash with Ajay Devgn’s Singham Again, commenting on it trade analyst Girish Wankhede said, “The teaser speaks volume about the grandeur and the massy elements which is the trademark of this franchisee. This is one of the most anticipated sequels of the recent times and it clashing with Singam Again makes it more prudent. Both have been the spectacularly frontrunners in the game of action franchisee and them clashing on Independence day makes this more intriguing. “
Allu Arjun was already a big draw for North Indian audience watching Hindi dubbed version of his films and Pushpa success got those loyal audience to cinema halls. Wankhede said, “It has all the elements of a super successful Blockbuster franchise. It oozes the charisma of a Superstar, great visual impact and a fabulous background score. Pushpa 2 has its strong fans across the globe and the teaser looks so amazingly arresting that it keeps you in awe by its style and swag. “
Pushpa 2 will help Allu Arjun in a big way and the expectations from the actor is huge. Bala said, “Pushpa 2 is going to make Allu Arjun a much bigger star and if it becomes a blockbuster there is no stopping him. Even Pushpa made it big at the box office when no one was expecting it.”
So what are the trade expectations in terms of numbers at the box office? Adarsh felt it is too early to say anything, but Ramesh Bala opined, “It can easily take an opening of Rs 100 crore and can go upto a business of Rs 1000 if the content is as good as Pushpa 1.” Wankhede added, “It is not about 500 crores 1000 crores, but it is more than that. It is more about thinking beyond the thinkable with Pushpa 2. I think we will be ruling the masses the way its byline says Pushpa: The Rule. This teaser has been one of the most impressive ones and the tempo and stage is set for its mammoth run. It will be the most phenomenal film of this year for sure.”
Akshaye Rathi who is an exhibitor said, “Going by the hype and euphoria, there is a bit of chance that it may be the solo release, subject to a lot of things moving around. There is a high chance that Pushpa 2 can open at Rs 40-50 crore in Hindi alone.”
Pushpa 2: The Rule – Official Teaser