The actor, who was on a late-night drive in his swanky new car, was captured on camera looking visibly annoyed and angry as fans and the paparazzi rushed in front of his car on his arrival home. A group of men were seen rushing in front of the actor’s vehicle to get a photo of the hunk, seated in the front seat.
Expressing his annoyance, the actor asked the crowd sternly, “Kya kar rahe ho?” (What are you doing?)
The actor, who had his driver behind the wheel of the car, was seen waiting patiently for the crowd to clear the way for his car to enter the building premises. RK was not only glaring at the fans, but was also seen nodding his head in disapproval.
Reacting to the clip, some netizens thought that the actor was showing ‘too much attitude’, while others quipped, “Gaadi damage mat karo bhai bentley hai…”
Ranbir made headlines last week when he drove home in the swanky new car with a huge Rs 6 crore price tag.
Ranbir was seen in a grey vest that showed off his ripped physique as he is currently prepping for Nitesh Tiwari‘s ‘Ramayana‘. Frenzy around the upcoming mythological drama hit new heights after photos and videos from the sets leaked online last week. The clips gave fans a look at the elaborate sets erected in the studios for the shoot that went on floors early this month.
Watch: Leaked photos and videos offer sneak peek into ‘Ramayana’ ancient-style set design