Actress Janhvi Kapoor, who is making waves in her career, is often seen visiting temples, proving she is also quite spiritual. Today, on the auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa, the ‘Dhadak’ actress was snapped in the city walking barefoot to seek the blessings of Siddhivinayak (Lord Ganesha) in Mumbai with her team.
In the pictures, Janhvi appeared stunning in a pink salwar kameez as she strolled during the early hours of the morning.She was seen walking barefoot, and her simple elegance has captured the hearts of internet users.
In the pictures, Janhvi appeared stunning in a pink salwar kameez as she strolled during the early hours of the morning.She was seen walking barefoot, and her simple elegance has captured the hearts of internet users.
The actress was accompanied by her team, and escorted by Police, the actress entered the Siddhivinayak temple without much hassle. After receiving the blessings of Lord Ganesha, she can be observed folding her hands in prayer.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Janhvi Kapoor is gearing up for an exciting venture into the Telugu film industry with her upcoming project ‘Devara’, marking a significant milestone in her career. Alongside this, she is set to captivate audiences in the Bollywood film “Mr. and ‘Mrs. Mahi’, where she stars opposite the talented Rajkummar Rao.
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