Priyanka Chopra is currently busy shooting for her upcoming Hollywood venture, ‘Heads of State‘ after her short visit to India. In this highly anticipated movie, she shares the screen with renowned actors Idris Elba, John Cena, and Jack Quaid. While the shooting progressed, Priyanka delighted fans by sharing a behind-the-scenes snapshot from the set, offering a sneak peek into the filming location.
The picture shows Priyanka Chopra seated with her legs extended, showcasing her pink-colored shoes.A trolley is visible in the background, indicating the team’s preparations for a scene. Sharing the picture, the actress captioned, “Glamorous” with a red heart emoji.
The recent picture follows Priyanka’s earlier post, where she hinted at her return to work after a family vacation in India. In the post, she shared an image of the film’s script featuring the title, scriptwriter Harrison Query’s name, and Priyanka Chopra’s watermark. She wrote, “And we’re back,” suggesting that she has returned to the film’s London shooting leg.
Directed by Ilya Naishuller, filming for ‘Heads of State’ started in May last year. Despite the secrecy surrounding the film’s storyline, anticipation is high among fans for the release of its trailer, which is expected to provide insight into the plot and characters.
Priyanka Chopra has unveiled her latest production endeavor, which is titled ‘Born Hungry’, in collaboration with esteemed filmmaker Barry Avrich. The project will be produced under her banner, Purple Pebble Pictures. While the actress was also set to make her Bollywood comeback alongside Farhan Akhtar in ‘Jee Le Zara’, reports suggested that she has backed out of the project. An official confirmation regarding this development is still awaited. The film has kept getting delayed and Farhan has now moved on to ‘Don 3’.
The picture shows Priyanka Chopra seated with her legs extended, showcasing her pink-colored shoes.A trolley is visible in the background, indicating the team’s preparations for a scene. Sharing the picture, the actress captioned, “Glamorous” with a red heart emoji.
The recent picture follows Priyanka’s earlier post, where she hinted at her return to work after a family vacation in India. In the post, she shared an image of the film’s script featuring the title, scriptwriter Harrison Query’s name, and Priyanka Chopra’s watermark. She wrote, “And we’re back,” suggesting that she has returned to the film’s London shooting leg.
Directed by Ilya Naishuller, filming for ‘Heads of State’ started in May last year. Despite the secrecy surrounding the film’s storyline, anticipation is high among fans for the release of its trailer, which is expected to provide insight into the plot and characters.
Priyanka Chopra has unveiled her latest production endeavor, which is titled ‘Born Hungry’, in collaboration with esteemed filmmaker Barry Avrich. The project will be produced under her banner, Purple Pebble Pictures. While the actress was also set to make her Bollywood comeback alongside Farhan Akhtar in ‘Jee Le Zara’, reports suggested that she has backed out of the project. An official confirmation regarding this development is still awaited. The film has kept getting delayed and Farhan has now moved on to ‘Don 3’.