Janhvi Kapoor always strives to keep her personal life private. However, she has dropped a few hints along the way about her current relationship with entrepreneur Shikhar Pahariya. Earlier this year on Koffee With Karan, the actor revealed that her beau Shiku, who is the grandson of the former CM of Maharashtra Sushil Kumar Shinde, is on her speed dial. She also stated that he used to sing ‘nadaan parindey ghar aaja’ for her when they were broken up. But last night at the premiere of her father Boney Kapoor’s film Maidaan, Janhvi confirmed that she is dating Pahariya when she arrived wearing a necklace which said ‘shiku’. Well, let’s take a look at other actors who confirmed their relationship without making an announcement.
Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani
The now happily married couple declared their love on social media only after tying the knot on February 7, 2023. However, back in 2020 they left the rumour mill churning when they shared individual pictures from their trip to Africa, which had fairly similar backgrounds. The fact that they returned to Mumbai together gave fans a rough confirmation
Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur
During an episode of Karan Johar’s chat show, star kid Ananya Panday indirectly confirmed her relationship with rumoured beau Aditya Roy Kapur, when she called herself Ananya ‘Coy’ Kapur. On another episode when Kapur graced the coffee couch, he described Panday as ‘pure joy’ before calling himself Aditya ‘Joy’ Kapur
Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad
Even though Hrithik Roshan and Saba Azad have never talked about their relationship openly, they made it official right in the beginning because they stepped out hand in hand on almost every occasion. This video of the two sharing a kiss was a further authentication
Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone
The royal couple of Bollywood never shied away from displaying their love for one another. But it was in 2015 during IIFA Awards that they gave us an indirect confirmation that they were indeed together. Ranveer Singh, who was co-hosting with Arjun Kapoor, went down on one knee and presented Deepika Padukone his heart along with a heart shaped balloon. The couple, who got married in 2018, is currently expecting their first child
Sara Ali Khan and Kartik Aaryan
Even before her debut film released, Sara Ali Khan declared that she had a massive crush on Kartik Aaryan during Koffee With Karan. They were later cast together in Love Aaj Kal but it was Aaryan’s birthday wish for the Pataudi princess which gave us confirmation that they are together. Khan was in Bangkok, Thailand shooting for Coolie No. 1 when her beau flew down to celebrate her birthday. The two eventually broke up and are currently single, focusing on their respective careers.