Alia Bhatt took to her Instagram stories to share her excitement over the trailer of the Netflix original series, calling it “Just magic!!”.Similarly, Vicky Kaushal, from the cast of ‘Dunki,’ expressed his astonishment at the show’s glimpse, describing it as “How stunning is this! The world building, the drama… top notch!!”
Sonakshi Sinha made an appearance at the grand trailer launch event of the TV show in Delhi, where she discussed her collaboration with the acclaimed filmmaker after more than a decade. Their last project together was in 2012 with Rowdy Rathore. Sonakshi expressed her admiration for Bhansali’s work and shared that he has been fond of her since their previous collaboration. They have been eager to work together again ever since.
Manisha Koirala opens up about the role her mother was longing to see her do
The actress from ‘Mission Mangal’ expressed her gratitude, stating that she feels blessed to be portrayed by the director in a unique light and presented within an unprecedented world. She extended her thanks to Sanjay Leela Bhansali, expressing that the entire cast and crew of Heeramandi misses him and appreciates his contribution.
Fardeen Khan is set to make his comeback to the screen as Wali Mohammed in the show. At the launch event, he expressed gratitude for the chance to work with such a talented cast, on Netflix, and alongside Sanjay Leela Bhansali after a hiatus of nearly 14 years.
With ‘Heeramandi,’ Sanjay Leela Bhansali ventures into the realm of streaming. Set in the 1940s, the series delves into the lives of courtesans in Lahore’s red-light district, Heera Mandi. Featuring Manisha Koirala, Sonakshi Sinha, Aditi Rao Hydari, Richa Chadha, and more, it premieres on Netflix on May 1, 2024.