This spectacle unfolded once again during an IPL 2024 clash between CSK and Kolkata Knight Riders at the iconic Chepauk Stadium in Chennai, where the roar of the crowd reached deafening levels as Dhoni strode out to bat with his team on the cusp of victory, needing a mere three runs to seal the win.
Post-match, an intriguing glimpse into the personal dynamics of the Dhoni household emerged through a viral video featuring his wife, Sakshi Dhoni.
In the candid footage, Sakshi reminisced about Dhoni’s unexpected retirement from Test cricket in 2014 and shed light on the sacrifices and joys of being married to the World Cup-winning cricketing icon.
“When he stepped down from Test cricket, we always had a hint that he is going to step down. I even remember telling him, ‘If you want a child you should step down from at least one format because you won’t have time to enjoy with your child’,” Sakshi Dhoni revealed, offering insights into the couple’s deliberations surrounding Dhoni’s career choices.
Sakshi’s reflections offered a touching portrayal of unwavering support and mutual understanding in their relationship. Dispelling notions of sacrifice, Sakshi emphasized the deep bond of love and companionship that defines their journey together.
“People tell me I had to sacrifice so much being his wife. I say, ‘NO, nothing it’s all love’. When you are in, you cannot call it sacrifice,” she affirmed, underscoring the symbiotic nature of their partnership.
As the Dhoni saga continues to unfold both on and off the cricket field, his legacy as a sporting icon and a beloved figure transcends the boundaries of the sport.