Nitesh Tiwari‘s ‘Ramayana‘ has been the talk of the town for a while now! While the film has not been officially announce yet, several reports have confirmed its cast and the movie has already gone on floors. While Ranbir Kapoor‘s training video has gone viral, some pictures of Lara Dutta and Arun Govil from the sets have also been leaked. Lara plays Kaikeyi in this film while Govil plays Dasharatha.Meanwhile, reports suggest that ‘KGF‘ star Yash will play Raavan while Sai Pallavi plays Sita.
Now latest reports suggest that Ranbir Kapoor is charging a whopping Rs 75 crore for ‘Ramayana’ which is a hike post ‘Animal‘ success. His usual fee is Rs 70 crore reportedly but he had cut it down to half for the Sandeep Reddy Vanga film and charged only Rs 35 crore for ‘Animal’. Now though for ‘Ramayana’, the actor is getting Rs 75 crore.
Meanwhile, Sai Pallavi is getting Rs 6 crore for the film. Rocking star Yash who is known to charge Rs 80 crore for a movie has not asked the same for ‘Ramayana’. Instead, according to a report by Zoom Entertainment, he has decided to come on board as a co-producer of the film.
Ranbir will reportedly finish shooting for Ramayana and only then move to ‘Animal Park’ which is expected to begin in 2025.
Now latest reports suggest that Ranbir Kapoor is charging a whopping Rs 75 crore for ‘Ramayana’ which is a hike post ‘Animal‘ success. His usual fee is Rs 70 crore reportedly but he had cut it down to half for the Sandeep Reddy Vanga film and charged only Rs 35 crore for ‘Animal’. Now though for ‘Ramayana’, the actor is getting Rs 75 crore.
Meanwhile, Sai Pallavi is getting Rs 6 crore for the film. Rocking star Yash who is known to charge Rs 80 crore for a movie has not asked the same for ‘Ramayana’. Instead, according to a report by Zoom Entertainment, he has decided to come on board as a co-producer of the film.
Ranbir will reportedly finish shooting for Ramayana and only then move to ‘Animal Park’ which is expected to begin in 2025.