Posting the trailer on her feed, Patralekhaa not only lauded Rajkummar for giving his best but also made the netizens aware of the actor’s journey to master the character. From going to blind school to playing cricket with his eyes shut, the elated wife tried to highlight almost everything, that Rao did in the process of bringing conviction to his portrayal of Srikanth.
Her post read – “Rajjjjjjj, what an amazing trailer. I am so stoked for you and this amazing character that you played. I just want to scribble a couple of words about your journey with this character. It all started with you going to the blind school, the very next week you came home with almost a cracked rib as you were praticing blind cricket so you thought may well shut the eyes n play. I dint realise that this wasn’t the scary part.”
She further added, “The scary part began after a few days of your shoot when I saw your shoulder dropping your posture began to change. I kept yelling that you don’t have to do this. At some point I thought you were going to go blind with not letting your eyes rest. But I see you Rajuuuu, you are just the best at what you do. You devout your body & soul to the character. I consider myself lucky to be a part of your madness & super proud of you husband. But kabhi kabhi meri bhi sun liya karna yaar.”
Directed by Tushar Hiranandani and starring Rajkummar Rao, Jyotika, and Alaya F, the movie is slated to release on May 10, 2024.