In the wake of an alarming shooting incident outside Bollywood icon Salman Khan‘s residence in Mumbai’s Bandra area, the actor’s neighbour and director of ‘Main Aur Mrs Khanna’, Prem Soni, has stepped forward with an update on Khan’s well-being.
While speaking to India Today, Prem Soni assured that Salman is ‘absolutely fine’ and reassured that the situation was being managed effectively.He emphasized that authorities were handling the matter with diligence, urging calm amidst the concern.
Elaborating further, Prem added that it was ‘rather worrying for all’ of the residents of the area. However, he added that the authorities are taking care of the matter, ensuring that they were all safe.
Although Salman is yet to issue a statement, his father Salim Khan responded to the incident that occurred outside their home. In a statement to News18, he remarked, “There is nothing to tell. They just want publicity, there is no need to worry.”
Meanwhile, Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother Anmol Bishnoi who residing in the US and wanted in India, made a bold statement through a social media post. Taking to his Facebook handle, Anmol took accountability for the attack and wrote, “Salman Khan, we have only shown you a trailer so that you understand the magnitude of our strength and do not test it. This is the first and last warning. After this, shots will not be fired outside the house only.”
The Bandra police have registered a first information report (FIR) under section 307 (attempt to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Arms Act. The police have deployed 15 units to arrest the two shooters, who went on the run following the incident.
While speaking to India Today, Prem Soni assured that Salman is ‘absolutely fine’ and reassured that the situation was being managed effectively.He emphasized that authorities were handling the matter with diligence, urging calm amidst the concern.
Elaborating further, Prem added that it was ‘rather worrying for all’ of the residents of the area. However, he added that the authorities are taking care of the matter, ensuring that they were all safe.
Although Salman is yet to issue a statement, his father Salim Khan responded to the incident that occurred outside their home. In a statement to News18, he remarked, “There is nothing to tell. They just want publicity, there is no need to worry.”
Meanwhile, Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother Anmol Bishnoi who residing in the US and wanted in India, made a bold statement through a social media post. Taking to his Facebook handle, Anmol took accountability for the attack and wrote, “Salman Khan, we have only shown you a trailer so that you understand the magnitude of our strength and do not test it. This is the first and last warning. After this, shots will not be fired outside the house only.”
The Bandra police have registered a first information report (FIR) under section 307 (attempt to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Arms Act. The police have deployed 15 units to arrest the two shooters, who went on the run following the incident.
Firing outside Salman Khan’s residence: Mumbai Police in action mode; 15 teams hunting the culprits