Bollywood actor Sanya Malhotra continues to captivate audiences both on and off the screen. As April is observed as the autism month, the actor graced the opening ceremony of ‘So-Hum Smiles’, a specialised school and therapy center dedicated to helping neurodivergent individuals. The institution, backed by an NGO- So-Hum Parivar Foundation, works in the field of education and awareness for individuals with special needs. Sanya’s presence at the event underscored her commitment to the school’s noble cause.
The actor, who was seen in recent projects such as Sam Bahadur, Jawan and Kathal, lauded the institution and emphasized that it has a role beyond mere therapy as it also embodies values of inclusivity, empowerment, and empathy.
The 32-year-old highlighted the urgency of such initiatives in providing assistance to neurodivergent individuals. While attending the event in Delhi on April 14, Sanya said, “It’s absolutely critical to find a structured yet flexible learning environment for these individuals focused on life skills and independent living. It is a topmost priority to find acceptance and a place for these kids and adults in society not just for these kids but also for society to do better and be uplifted.”
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the versatile actress eagerly anticipates the release of her upcoming film Mrs, a remake of the acclaimed Malayalam movie The Great Indian Kitchen.