Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh, known as a cute couple in Bollywood, tied the knot in a private ceremony in Goa. Recently, they were seen at the Mumbai airport, looking lovely. However, something uncomfortable caught everyone’s eye on social media. A video circulated showing fans trying to take selfies with the couple. Jackky quickly protected his wife, Rakul, and prevented the fans from getting too close.
The video shows Jackky and Rakul wearing traditional clothes and taking selfies.Suddenly, fans tried to get too close, which made them uncomfortable. They politely asked the fans to keep their distance. Fans understood and started taking selfies from afar. After that, the couple also posed for the cameras.
During an exclusive chat with HT City, she talked about Jackky. When asked if anything changed between them after they got married, Rakul mentioned that they are even happier now.
Rakul said, “When we were first dating—three years ago—we had a conversation about this then only. I am happy; you are happy; neither of us is trying to fill any void. We are complete as individuals; together, we are just happier. If you really follow this… I don’t have to call him 15 times a day: ‘I am getting bored; how are you?’ I have to figure out what I have to do in my life; the same is true for him. When we are together, we leave work behind. The biggest strength we share is that we are best friends; there’s nothing we can’t share with each other.”
Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani got married at ITC Grand South Goa on February 21, 2024. They had two ceremonies to honor their different cultural backgrounds. The first was the Anand Karaj ceremony, following Rakul’s Sikh traditions. Then, in the evening, they had the Pheras, celebrating Jackky’s Sindhi heritage. Many celebrities, including Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra, Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal, Ananya Panday, and Aditya Roy Kapur, attended the wedding.
Following her marriage, Rakul posted a teaser on her Instagram account to announce her wedding officially. The teaser showed various scenes from their pre-wedding and wedding festivities. It started with Rakul walking down the aisle to marry her dream man. They hugged warmly before their jaimala ceremony. Later, she shared moments from their Haldi, Mehendi, and Sangeet ceremonies.
The video shows Jackky and Rakul wearing traditional clothes and taking selfies.Suddenly, fans tried to get too close, which made them uncomfortable. They politely asked the fans to keep their distance. Fans understood and started taking selfies from afar. After that, the couple also posed for the cameras.
During an exclusive chat with HT City, she talked about Jackky. When asked if anything changed between them after they got married, Rakul mentioned that they are even happier now.
Rakul said, “When we were first dating—three years ago—we had a conversation about this then only. I am happy; you are happy; neither of us is trying to fill any void. We are complete as individuals; together, we are just happier. If you really follow this… I don’t have to call him 15 times a day: ‘I am getting bored; how are you?’ I have to figure out what I have to do in my life; the same is true for him. When we are together, we leave work behind. The biggest strength we share is that we are best friends; there’s nothing we can’t share with each other.”
Rakul Preet and Jackky Bhagnani got married at ITC Grand South Goa on February 21, 2024. They had two ceremonies to honor their different cultural backgrounds. The first was the Anand Karaj ceremony, following Rakul’s Sikh traditions. Then, in the evening, they had the Pheras, celebrating Jackky’s Sindhi heritage. Many celebrities, including Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra, Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal, Ananya Panday, and Aditya Roy Kapur, attended the wedding.
Following her marriage, Rakul posted a teaser on her Instagram account to announce her wedding officially. The teaser showed various scenes from their pre-wedding and wedding festivities. It started with Rakul walking down the aisle to marry her dream man. They hugged warmly before their jaimala ceremony. Later, she shared moments from their Haldi, Mehendi, and Sangeet ceremonies.