On Thursday, the Esplanade Court extended the police custody of both the accused, who were arrested in connection with the shooting incident outside Bollywood actor Salman Khan‘s residence in Mumbai, until April 29th.Accused Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal were presented before the metropolitan magistrate court here after their previous remand ended on Thursday. The court granted custody to the Mumbai Crime Branch.
Previously, the Mumbai Crime Branch uncovered compelling evidence against gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother Anmol Bishnoi. Consequently, both have been identified as the primary conspirators and have been designated as the most wanted accused.
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Mumbai Police have registered a case against four individuals in the firing incident at Salman Khan’s house, including Anmol Bishnoi and Lawrence Bishnoi as accused parties.
According to information provided by the Mumbai Crime Branch, the shooters conducted reconnaissance of Salman Khan’s house on four separate occasions before the firing incident. Additionally, they had once approached Khan’s farmhouse. However, Salman had not visited his farmhouse for several weeks, prompting them to devise a plan to fire at his house instead.
Mumbai Crime Branch officials disclosed that upon the arrest of the accused, a damaged mobile phone was retrieved from them. The Crime Branch further stated that the accused possessed multiple phones, prompting an ongoing search by the Crime Branch for the remaining devices.