Mrunal Thakur has slowly carved her niche in the industry, one film at a time. Though, the actress’ popularity has been more ever since she did ‘Sita Ramam’ with Dilquer Salmaan. She’s been balancing movies in Hindi and in the south. Having started her career with television, Mrunal was initially quite skeptical about some movies initially in her career and had to say no because she wasn’t comfortable doing intimate scenes.She revealed in an interview recently that her parents did not approve of it.
She said, “I was not really comfortable doing scenes which were intimate, like romantically,” further adding that her parents also did not approve of her doing it. She had to say no to many films due to it. “As much as I wanted to do a film, I had to drop because there was a kissing scene involved. As an actor, you need to be ready because sometimes that’s the demand (of the scene). If you are not comfortable, you can tell, you can talk about it but I kept missing on films because of that,” added Mrunal.
The ‘Jersey’ actress said that she could have said no but as an actor it’s her job to do it if the movie requires. “As much as I wanted to do a film, I had to drop because there was a kissing scene involved. As an actor you need to be ready because sometimes that’s the demand (of the scene). If you are not comfortable, you can tell, you can talk about it but I kept missing on films because of that,” confessed Mrunal.
Mrunal further expressed that she was getting scared to do such scenes and hence would keep saying no but one fine day, she sat down with her parents and explained it to them. “I would just get scared, I’d just say no to a film, but how long could I say no? There was a point I had to sit down with my parents and tell them that ‘Papa, I cannot miss a part because sometimes it’s there, it’s not my choice.”
The actress was last seen in ‘Family Star’ alongside Vijay Deverakonda.
She said, “I was not really comfortable doing scenes which were intimate, like romantically,” further adding that her parents also did not approve of her doing it. She had to say no to many films due to it. “As much as I wanted to do a film, I had to drop because there was a kissing scene involved. As an actor, you need to be ready because sometimes that’s the demand (of the scene). If you are not comfortable, you can tell, you can talk about it but I kept missing on films because of that,” added Mrunal.
The ‘Jersey’ actress said that she could have said no but as an actor it’s her job to do it if the movie requires. “As much as I wanted to do a film, I had to drop because there was a kissing scene involved. As an actor you need to be ready because sometimes that’s the demand (of the scene). If you are not comfortable, you can tell, you can talk about it but I kept missing on films because of that,” confessed Mrunal.
Mrunal further expressed that she was getting scared to do such scenes and hence would keep saying no but one fine day, she sat down with her parents and explained it to them. “I would just get scared, I’d just say no to a film, but how long could I say no? There was a point I had to sit down with my parents and tell them that ‘Papa, I cannot miss a part because sometimes it’s there, it’s not my choice.”
The actress was last seen in ‘Family Star’ alongside Vijay Deverakonda.