Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor, who is busy with the promotions of her upcoming film ‘Mr & Mrs Mahi’, released the trailer of the film at a launch event in Mumbai on Sunday. The actress admitted on her Instagram Stories that Zendaya‘s looks during the ‘Dune 2’ and ‘Challengers’ promotions ‘heavily inspired’ her and she is attempting to emulate it for her own movie.
Before the trailer launch event, the actress conducted a short Q and A session on her social media handle with fans. Janhvi responded to some hand-picked questions asked by her fans. Among others, a fan asked Janhvi, “Is it true that you’re copying Zendaya?” To which, she replied by admitting being heavily inspired by American actress and singer Zendaya, as well as social media sensation Uorfi Javed
She said, “Yes, I think I am very heavily inspired by what she [Zendaya] did for her Challengers and Dune promotions. And not just her, even Uorfi [Javed]. How creative she is with her fashion. I feel like as actors we all are encouraged to kind of do method dressing or dress similar to your characters while promoting a film. I haven’t really done it except for Dhadak but when I saw her doing it so well, dressed up in accordance to the theme of the film… I realized that as actors there is a good amount of attention put on how we look and how we dress, and if I can use that to bring attention back to my film then why not?”
She further added, “Mother Zendaya showed us the way. She showed us how to do it really well. So yes, definitely inspired by that and just hoping to follow her footsteps.” In the last few months, Zendaya has been serving back-to-back red carpet looks during the global promotional tour of her releases Dune 2, and Challengers.
In an apparent reference to her character in the film, who sports a number 6 jersey, Janhvi recently appeared in an ensemble for the promotion of ‘Mr. & Mrs. Mahi’ with the number six printed on her top. In addition, she promoted the movie last week by donning a red cut-out dress with cricket balls pinned to the back. Her character, a doctor, was seen in the teaser going through a rigorous training regimen to become a cricket player.
‘Mr. & Mrs. Mahi’ stars Rajkummar Rao alongside Janhvi and is directed by Sharan Sharma. It is scheduled to release on May 31. Janhvi will also be seen in ‘Ulajh’ and her Telugu debut with Jr NTR’s upcoming action-thriller ‘Devara: Part 1.
Before the trailer launch event, the actress conducted a short Q and A session on her social media handle with fans. Janhvi responded to some hand-picked questions asked by her fans. Among others, a fan asked Janhvi, “Is it true that you’re copying Zendaya?” To which, she replied by admitting being heavily inspired by American actress and singer Zendaya, as well as social media sensation Uorfi Javed
She said, “Yes, I think I am very heavily inspired by what she [Zendaya] did for her Challengers and Dune promotions. And not just her, even Uorfi [Javed]. How creative she is with her fashion. I feel like as actors we all are encouraged to kind of do method dressing or dress similar to your characters while promoting a film. I haven’t really done it except for Dhadak but when I saw her doing it so well, dressed up in accordance to the theme of the film… I realized that as actors there is a good amount of attention put on how we look and how we dress, and if I can use that to bring attention back to my film then why not?”
She further added, “Mother Zendaya showed us the way. She showed us how to do it really well. So yes, definitely inspired by that and just hoping to follow her footsteps.” In the last few months, Zendaya has been serving back-to-back red carpet looks during the global promotional tour of her releases Dune 2, and Challengers.
In an apparent reference to her character in the film, who sports a number 6 jersey, Janhvi recently appeared in an ensemble for the promotion of ‘Mr. & Mrs. Mahi’ with the number six printed on her top. In addition, she promoted the movie last week by donning a red cut-out dress with cricket balls pinned to the back. Her character, a doctor, was seen in the teaser going through a rigorous training regimen to become a cricket player.
‘Mr. & Mrs. Mahi’ stars Rajkummar Rao alongside Janhvi and is directed by Sharan Sharma. It is scheduled to release on May 31. Janhvi will also be seen in ‘Ulajh’ and her Telugu debut with Jr NTR’s upcoming action-thriller ‘Devara: Part 1.
Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor pose for the paps