Veteran actress Sharmila Tagore and her granddaughter Sara Ali Khan recently came together at an event in New Delhi where the two were seen engaged in a playful disagreement regarding the ideal co-star for a modern romantic comedy featuring Sharmila Tagore.
When asked to choose between actors Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor for the hypothetical rom-com opposite Sharmila Tagore, Sara Ali Khan expressed her preference for Ranbir Kapoor.”I think that you need class to star opposite badi amma,” Sara remarked.
To Sara’s surprise, Sharmila Tagore disagreed with her choice, nodding disapprovingly. Sara then quipped, “So, who do you want? Ranveer Singh?” Sharmila Tagore’s response was open-minded, stating, “Why not?” This friendly banter led to the conclusion that Ranveer Singh would be the chosen co-star for this imaginary project.
When asked to choose between actors Ranveer Singh and Ranbir Kapoor for the hypothetical rom-com opposite Sharmila Tagore, Sara Ali Khan expressed her preference for Ranbir Kapoor.”I think that you need class to star opposite badi amma,” Sara remarked.
To Sara’s surprise, Sharmila Tagore disagreed with her choice, nodding disapprovingly. Sara then quipped, “So, who do you want? Ranveer Singh?” Sharmila Tagore’s response was open-minded, stating, “Why not?” This friendly banter led to the conclusion that Ranveer Singh would be the chosen co-star for this imaginary project.
Sara Ali Khan’s honest interview: On growing up with a single mother, flops & misses | Ae Watan Mere Watan
The dynamic between Sharmila Tagore and Sara Ali Khan extends beyond playful debates. The two recently collaborated on-screen for a brand endorsement, showcasing their chemistry and familial bond.
Sharmila Tagore recently marked her comeback and series debut with Gulmohar. Meanwhile, Sara Ali Khan has been actively involved in projects such as Ae Watan Mere Watan and is set to appear in Anurag Basu’s upcoming film Metro In Dinon.