Ash was seen stepping out of the Mumbai airport with daughter Aaradhya by her side. The mommy-daughter duo rocked their comfy casual attire for their long flight back home from the French Riveria. While Aishwarya sported an all-black outfit with a printed overcoat, and her arm back in a sling, it was daughter Aaradhya who stole all the attention with her sweatshirt that featured a rather cryptic message.
Aaradhya let her tee do all the talking as she showed off the printed message that read, “Mas amor por favor.” This translates to “More love, please” in English.
The star kid’s choice of clothing raised eyebrows as a subtle diss at haters who were trolling Aishwarya for her fashion choices at the film festival. This year, fans weren’t too impressed with Ash’s red carpet looks. The actress’ Day 1 look was trolled for looking like a “craft project” with its gold floral detailing on the dramatic black train.
For her second appearance, Aishwarya opted for a shimmery blue and silver gown as she walked the red carpet for the screening of filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos’ latest feature ‘Kinds of Kindness’, starring two-time Oscar winner Emma Stone. The outfit boasted a sweeping trail and bold, dramatic shoulders, featuring metallic fringe.
Besides defending her mom from trolls, Aaradhya was also seen stepping up and helping her mommy, who has been nursing an injured hand. Viral videos saw Aaradhya holding her mom’s hand and helping her make her way to the red carpet.
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