During a recent trip to India, Priyanka Chopra, along with her husband Nick Jonas, and daughter Malti Marie, paid a visit to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. Although Priyanka missed the consecration ceremony of the Ram Mandir in January, she ensured to include this spiritual stop in her itinerary. The family was accompanied by Priyanka’s mother, Madhu Chopra.
Priyanka shared a series of poignant pictures and videos on her Instagram, capturing moments of prayer and reflection. In one photo, she is seen praying with Malti, encapsulating the essence of blessings and devotion. Other images featured Nick and Madhu, engaging with the temple surroundings and capturing memories. Priyanka’s caption, “Jai Siya Ram,” echoed her spiritual sentiments and the blessings they sought for their daughter and family.