On Wednesday night, the office of renowned Bollywood actor Anupam Kher was robbed. Thieves broke the lock and stole cash and goods worth around Rs. 4.15 lakh, according to an official.
The actor stated that two thieves were responsible for the crime. They broke through two doors and stole a safe from the accounts department, which they were unable to open.Additionally, they took the negatives of a film produced by the company, which were stored in a box.
The actor stated that two thieves were responsible for the crime. They broke through two doors and stole a safe from the accounts department, which they were unable to open.Additionally, they took the negatives of a film produced by the company, which were stored in a box.
Kher told ETimes, “The negative reel was in a bag. The thief probably thought there was money in the bag, so he took it. A significant amount of petty cash also went missing, around Rs. 4 lakh.”
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Elaborating further, he added, “This is an old building with few CCTV cameras. From the footage I found, I could see there were two people involved. The police have assured me they will locate them.”
Anupam Kher’s office has filed a First Information Report (FIR), and the police have assured that they will soon apprehend the culprits.