Actor Tanuj Virwani, who married Tanya Jacob on December 25, 2023, recently shared the exciting news that they are expecting their first child. The couple announced the pregnancy on Thursday evening, with Virwani expressing his immense joy and anticipation for fatherhood.
Talking to Hindustan Times he said, “Tanya and I go back a really long way. She is 32 and I am turning 38 this year.We were very clear that we wanted a child soon, so I think the moment we got married, we were like, let’s get to work now. It was definitely a planned pregnancy,”
The actor revealed that they found out about the pregnancy a few months ago but chose to keep the news private initially. “We felt now was the right time to share the news and even if we didn’t announce it, people would have known because of the bump,” he said, adding that the baby is due in September.
Virwani thoroughly enjoyed pampering his wife during her pregnancy. “It’s a magical time and no matter how much people tell you how married life would be, when you go through that journey by yourself, it’s beautiful. And all the emotions right now are dialed up to 100. We are just really happy,” he shared.
Reflecting on his ‘paternal instinct,’ Virwani explained that even in his 20s, if he met a child, an infant, or any friend’s kid, he would feel very protective of them and go play with them. He mentioned that he always wanted to bring a smile to a child’s face, and that came to him very naturally.
Looking forward to embracing fatherhood, Virwani expressed his eagerness for “baby shopping,” noting his excitement about the prospect of buying baby items. He mentioned that he is a shopaholic and whenever he passed by shops for baby stuff, he found them very cute as they are five times smaller than adult items.
Virwani also mentioned his desire to leave a legacy for his child, believing in succession and the next generation carrying the torch forward. He anticipates being the ‘fun parent,’ while Tanya will be the stricter one, adding humorously, “At least she’ll try to be.”
Talking to Hindustan Times he said, “Tanya and I go back a really long way. She is 32 and I am turning 38 this year.We were very clear that we wanted a child soon, so I think the moment we got married, we were like, let’s get to work now. It was definitely a planned pregnancy,”
The actor revealed that they found out about the pregnancy a few months ago but chose to keep the news private initially. “We felt now was the right time to share the news and even if we didn’t announce it, people would have known because of the bump,” he said, adding that the baby is due in September.
Virwani thoroughly enjoyed pampering his wife during her pregnancy. “It’s a magical time and no matter how much people tell you how married life would be, when you go through that journey by yourself, it’s beautiful. And all the emotions right now are dialed up to 100. We are just really happy,” he shared.
Reflecting on his ‘paternal instinct,’ Virwani explained that even in his 20s, if he met a child, an infant, or any friend’s kid, he would feel very protective of them and go play with them. He mentioned that he always wanted to bring a smile to a child’s face, and that came to him very naturally.
Looking forward to embracing fatherhood, Virwani expressed his eagerness for “baby shopping,” noting his excitement about the prospect of buying baby items. He mentioned that he is a shopaholic and whenever he passed by shops for baby stuff, he found them very cute as they are five times smaller than adult items.
Virwani also mentioned his desire to leave a legacy for his child, believing in succession and the next generation carrying the torch forward. He anticipates being the ‘fun parent,’ while Tanya will be the stricter one, adding humorously, “At least she’ll try to be.”
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