Wedding festivities for Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya are in full swing, with the actress sharing photos from her Raata ceremony, a traditional pre-wedding ritual rooted in Telugu culture. Adding a deeply personal touch to the occasion, ETimes has learnt that the bride-to-be adorned herself with heirloom jewellery pieces passed down from her mother and grandmother.
A source close to the actress revealed, “She has chosen to wear her mother and grandmother’s jewellery, making the ceremony even more special and emotional for her.”
The Raata ceremony holds profound significance in Telugu traditions and marks an important step before the bride is officially wed. It involves planting a bamboo stick along with leaves of mango, jamun, and Jammi trees, which are then worshipped with sacred materials like pancha loha, navaratan (nine gems), and navadhaanya (nine grains). A sacred potli (bag) is tied to the pole, and prayers are offered to the pancha bhuta (five elements) and devtas of all eight directions. This ritual is believed to purify and bless the bride before her journey into married life.
Following the Raata ceremony, the bride participates in the Mangalasnanam ritual, similar to the Haldi ceremony. During this ritual, turmeric paste is applied to the bride as part of an auspicious cleansing process.
Ahead of the big day, the couple also had a Pelli Kuthuru ceremony where Sobhita dressed up in bridal attire and a special Aarti was performed. According to reports, the bride-to-be was blessed by married women and given bangles.
Later, the doting groom joined the celebrations with his family also participating. The ceremony ended with a lunch for their guests.
On Friday, besides photos of Haldi ceremony. A video featuring the couple also began doing the rounds on social media. In the clip, the two are seen sitting side by side as their family members showering them with flowers.
Sobhita and Chaitanya who have reportedly been in a 3 year relationship, will tie the knot on December 4 in Hyderabad.