video that features Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar singing at a wedding function, is doing rounds on social media. The video was posted by a fan page on X, formerly known as Twitter, on December 4, 2024. In this video, the actor is seen in one of his few private moments, singing the song “Mujh Mein Tu” from his film ‘Special 26’. The wedding ceremony happened last week, and Akshay, who is always very busy, made time off of his schedule for the ceremony and to entertain the guests with himself.
At this event, Akshay is stylish wearing a sophisticated all black outfit: trench coat, trousers, and black shoes. For finishing up his outfit, he wore a silver chain-a dashing, polished look. Akshay is standing on the stage. One hand is holding the mic, while another hand rested in his pocket, he crooned to entertain the audience. He won everybody’s hearts; he walked towards the bride and groom sitting on the stage, singing romantic tracks showering love on them. The video came along with the caption “Akshay Kumar singing a song at a wedding last week,” capturing that moment.
This video comes from Akshay comes at a time when his professional schedule has been on overdrive. He has always been one of the busiest actors in Bollywood, and this year will be no exception with the kind of film releases scheduled for 2024 and many more waiting to be set on tracks. Recently, he has been seen in Rohit Shetty Cop Universe’s film ‘Singham Again‘. This adrenaline-infused movie once again features Akshay as Veer Sooryavanshi, with some of the biggest stars working in India, such as Ajay Devgn, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Tiger Shroff, Arjun Kapoor, and Jackie Shroff.
In the pipeline, Akshay will star in the big-ticket film ‘Sky Force’, an action-drama inspired by reality. The film narrates a true account of India’s first and most deadly airstrike. The film will be released on January 24, 2025. According to sources close to the movie, filmmakers Dinesh Vijan, Amar Kaushik, and their team believed the film is best suited during the Republic Day period; the action-emotional-patriotic content has a thrilling tale woven in it.
Apart from ‘Sky Force’, Akshay has a chock-a-block schedule lined up for himself with untitled work on C. Sankaran Nair, ‘Jolly LLB 3’, ‘Housefull 5’, and many other interesting projects.