In a star-studded moment for Bengaluru, Bollywood sensation Deepika Padukone, who was recently seen in Singham Again, took the stage with Punjabi megastar Diljit Dosanjh at his concert in the city. The actress, who has been on a hiatus since the birth of her daughter Dua, made her first public appearance since motherhood, delighting fans with her energetic presence.
A fan-captured video shows Deepika dancing alongside Diljit as he performed his hit track Hass Hass, a collaboration with Sia. The duo also grooved to Diljit’s synth-pop track Lover, while Deepika playfully taught him a few Kannada lines, much to the audience’s delight. Diljit, in turn, showered praise on the actress, saying, “Can you believe guys, we’ve seen her on the big screen, so beautiful. And on her own, she’s made a place in Bollywood. You should be proud, we are all proud.”
The concert held special significance for Deepika, who grew up in Bengaluru before making her mark in the film industry. The actress’ journey from modeling to becoming one of Bollywood’s most successful stars is nothing short of inspirational. Deepika’s collaboration with Shah Rukh Khan in Om Shanti Om kickstarted a stellar career, with recent hits like Pathaan and Jawan, both of which played a major role in reviving Bollywood after the pandemic.
Meanwhile, Diljit has soared in popularity, not just in India but internationally. After a series of hit films, he made history by becoming the first Indian performer at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in 2023. His concerts, especially in India, have been a huge success, cementing his status as one of the richest and most influential Indian musicians today.