Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan on Thursday attended his son, AbRam Khan‘s annual day function with Gauri Khan and daughter Suhana Khan in tow. The superstar got himself front-row seats to watch his mini-me perform live on the big stage as he took on the role of a snowman in the Christmas-Themed play.
During the show, SRK melted hearts when a video captured him filled with emotion as he sang along to the iconic song ‘Yeh Jo Desh Hai Tera‘ from his acclaimed film ‘Swades’. The clip seemed to have brought with it a wave of nostalgia to fans.
In a video making rounds on social media, Shah Rukh can be seen seated with Gauri to his right and Suhana to his left. Much to his Daughter’s surprise, as the children performed LIVE on the big stage, Shah Rukh also began singing along to the lyrics of the son, while cheering for the children.
Fans also took to social media to share photos of the star playing the proud father as he took photos and videos of AbRam during his stage performance. He was also seen cheering and clapping away to encourage the kids as they performed on stage.
AbRam’s stage performance came just a day before his big-screen debut as a voice actor. The 11-year-old joined his father and elder brother Aryan to lend his voice to the Disney live-action ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’. The film hits theatres in India today, December 20. According to early box office reports, the movie is expected to clock an impressive Rs 10 crore debut, in line with the 2019 blockbuster remake ‘The Lion King’.