Diljit Dosanjh’s India leg of Dil-luminati tour came with its own highlights and controversies. On the one hand, where Diljit received immense love from the fans for his live performance and the artist can’t be grateful enough, on the other hand, Dosanjh mentioned that he would not have more concerts in India until the infrastructure for the live shows improves.
Diljit’s comment on the state of Indian infrastructure for conducting live shows received mixed reactions not just from the fans, but from the industry professionals as well. The ‘Kun Faya Kun’ singer Javed Ali recently reacted to Diljit’s comment on infrastructure in India. In his conversation with ANI, Javed Ali said artists are respected in India and the kind of love that a performer gets in the home is simply unmatched.
“Wherever we go, we receive so much love. In our country, people treat artists with great respect. I don’t think such love exists anywhere else. If you are respected at home, that’s what matters the most. No matter where you go, you won’t find the same joy. I love my country,” he weighed in while speaking on the topic of concert setups in India.
Circling back to what Diljit Dosanjh said during his Chandigarh concert; his exact words were – “Here, we don’t have the infrastructure for live shows. This is a source of big revenue, providing jobs to many people. I’ll try next time to have the stage at the center so the audience can be around it. Until this happens, I won’t do shows in India, that’s for sure.”
Meanwhile, Diljit has ended his Dil-Luminati tour with a final show in his hometown Ludhiana. He said he had the greatest night in Ludhiana and there couldn’t have been a better end to his tour. He also highlighted that throughout his India tour, he faced various challenges but the artist was prepared for it. And speaking of challenges, post his show the singer was given a legal notice for singing alcohol-related songs. Diljit’s reaction to the legal notice is awaited.