Junaid Khan made his acting debut with the film ‘Maharaj’ last year, and the young actor recently opened up about his battle with dyslexia, which was diagnosed when he was just six years old. Junaid, the son of actor Aamir Khan and his first wife, Reena Dutta, explained that his parents first realised that something was amiss after hearing the script of ‘Taare Zameen Par‘, which tells the story of a young boy struggling with dyslexia. He also shared how his parents were very understanding and supportive, which is why they were never focused on his academic performance during his school years.
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During a conversation with Vickey Lalwani on his YouTube channel, Junaid was asked whether his parents were strict about his studies. Junaid revealed that this was not the case. Neither of them were particular about his results, and he was also diagnosed with dyslexia very early. “So, I think they were mindful of that, especially in schooling,” he said.
When asked if his condition influenced Aamir’s decision to make ‘Taare Zameen Par’, Junaid revealed the opposite. He explained that it was hearing the film’s script that led his parents to have him checked. “Actually, I think it was a little bit the other way around. When they heard the script of Taare Zameen Par, they were like, ‘Ek second… We have seen this in our lives.’ And actually, it was at that point that they took me to a specialist and I was diagnosed with dyslexia.”
Junaid shared that his dyslexia was diagnosed at a very young age, around six or seven years old. He received early intervention and support, which helped minimise its impact on his childhood. Reflecting on this, he considered himself fortunate for the early assistance he received.
Junaid is set to appear in his next film, ‘Loveyapa’, alongside Khushi Kapoor. Later this year, he will also feature in ‘Ek Din’ with Sai Pallavi’.