Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan treated her fans to some adorable clicks with her husband, Nupur Shikhare, on her Instagram account as they celebrated their first wedding anniversary together on January 3. Fans and celebrities filled the comments box with love and wishes as soon as she shared the post.
check out the post here:
As usual, the duo won the internet with their cute and candid expressions in simple outfits rather than opting for something fancy. The first picture showcased them sitting together on their balcony, gazing at each other with joy and love. Ira was seen wearing a pastel green printed saree, while Nupur chose a blue kurta-pajama paired with a golden overcoat. The next image featured Ira playfully kissing Nupur on the cheek as he pulled some quirky expressions. They then shared a selfie where both stared into the camera with funny facial poses. Finally, they were pictured sitting back-to-back, striking a childlike pose.
Ira captioned the post, “Happy Anniversary, my love.” Responding in the comments, Nupur expressed his love with red heart emojis and wrote, “I love you.”
Fans flooded the comments section with congratulatory messages, showering the couple with kind wishes. While one fan wrote, “Be blessed always,” another commented, “God bless you two with everlasting marital bliss.”
Nupur previously shared a video highlighting their bond. The clip featured a traditional homage to Ira, where he gifted her a shawl, a bouquet, and a coconut, symbolising respect and appreciation. In the caption, he mentioned this was his way of honouring her love and courage throughout their first year of marriage.
Ira Khan and Nupur, a fitness trainer, tied the knot on January 3, 2024. The Mumbai nuptials at Taj Lands End were followed by an intimate wedding ceremony in Udaipur with close family and friends, complete with customary rituals such as the mehendi, sangeet, and a white wedding celebration.
The couple’s grand reception in Mumbai attracted Bollywood stars, including Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Rekha, Juhi Chawla, Hema Malini, and others.