Salman Khan‘s security continues to be a priority, with recent upgrades to his Bandra residence, Galaxy Apartment. On Sunday, repair work was observed on the apartment’s balcony and windows. These measures aim to bolster the actor and his family’s safety amid ongoing threats from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
During our visit to the Galaxy apartment, workers were seen securing windows and making structural changes to the balcony, which is a popular spot where Salman waves to his fans. The blinds in the balcony were also pulled down, and fans were prohibited from gathering directly opposite the building.
Salman Khan has been receiving death threats from jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who cited the actor’s involvement in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case as a motive. Bishnoi, in a TV interview, openly threatened Salman, placing him at the top of a list of 10 targets. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) confirmed the credibility of these threats.
In April 2024, unidentified assailants fired four rounds outside Galaxy Apartment early in the morning. Fortunately, Salman was inside his home at the time. Following this incident, stringent security measures were implemented, including the prohibition of vehicles from stopping near the building.
The situation intensified after the murder of Salman’s close friend, NCP leader Baba Siddique, on October 12, 2024. The Lawrence Bishnoi gang claimed responsibility for the assassination, further highlighting the gravity of the threats against the actor.
Salman currently enjoys Y plus category security provided by the Maharashtra government. His security detail includes, 11 armed personnel, including commandos and personal security officers (PSOs) and two escort vehicles accompanying his bulletproof car at all times.
Despite these threats, Salman has continued his professional engagements. He is currently shooting for Bigg Boss and wrapping up the final schedule of his film Sikandar.