Anil Kapoor’s Beta, Indra Kumar’s second film after Dil, was the year’s highest-grosser, earning accolades for Madhuri Dixit, Aruna Irani, and Kapoor. Despite its success and multiple awards, the director revealed that the film was not released in its original version.
In an interview with Siddharth Kanan, Indra Kumar revealed that Beta was initially focused on Anil Kapoor’s character, but after a trial screening, he felt the first half didn’t meet his expectations. Despite the film’s budget being exceeded, Kumar reshot the first half, maintaining the second. Co-producer Ashok Thakeria, initially skeptical, was impressed by the changes. The final challenge was informing Anil Kapoor about the revised script, which gave Madhuri Dixit a more prominent role. Kapoor acknowledged the shift but believed it would make the film a blockbuster.
Indra Kumar praised Anil Kapoor’s confidence, recalling that Kapoor’s only concern was to ensure the film’s success. Kumar emphasised that if it had been any other actor, they likely wouldn’t have allowed a reshoot, especially with the enhanced role for Madhuri Dixit.
Beta not only became a superhit, but its songs also gained immense popularity, with ‘Dhak Dhak Karne Laga‘ becoming a party favorite that continues to be played at celebrations to this day.
Reflecting on the success of ‘Dhak Dhak Karne Laga,’ Indra Kumar humbly credited the entire team for the song’s brilliance. He praised music director Anand Milind for composing it, singers Anuradha Podwal and Udit Narayan for their excellent performances, choreographer Saroj Khan for crafting the visuals, and cameraman Baba Azmi for enhancing the look. Kumar highlighted Madhuri Dixit’s flawless dance skills and Anil Kapoor’s impressive performance, saying he simply enjoyed watching the magic unfold on set.
In the same interview, Indra Kumar spoke about the strong bond between Anil Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit, describing their unique chemistry. He shared that they had a deep mutual respect, with Anil being extremely caring and always encouraging Madhuri. Kumar noted that Anil continues to be fond of her to this day, adding that he gets excited whenever he hears her name.