Kangana Ranaut recently opened up about her bond with Salman Khan while promoting her upcoming directorial venture ‘Emergency’. In a conversation with News18, Kangana described Salman as a close friend and acknowledged the numerous opportunities they’ve had to collaborate in the past. However, she noted that despite the chances, their plans to work together have not materialized so far.
“Salman is a good friend of mine, and we’ve had many opportunities where we could work together. But, you know, let’s see. Somehow it never came together,” she said.
Earlier, during the trailer launch of Emergency, Kangana spoke highly of Salman’s immense popularity, emphasizing his position as one of the most-loved stars in the country. She highlighted how his unparalleled fan following often evokes strong emotions, both positive and negative, within the film industry and among audiences. According to Kangana, Salman’s success and influence sometimes make him a target of criticism from his competitors or detractors.
The discussion comes at a time when Kangana is gearing up for the release of Emergency, her second directorial project following the success of Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi. The film, set against the backdrop of one of India’s most politically turbulent periods, features Kangana in the lead role alongside Anupam Kher and Shreyas Talpade.
Scheduled for release on January 17, Emergency is being touted as one of the most ambitious projects of Kangana’s career. While fans eagerly await the film, the possibility of a future collaboration between Kangana and Salman remains a point of interest.