Kajol recently shared a touching memory of her mother, Tanuja, who is usually reserved about praising her films. After watching Gupt, Tanuja was so impressed that she exclaimed, “Oh my God, what a film!”
Kajol recalled in her interview with PTI that her mother Tanuja’s rare praise for her film Gupt. Tanuja, who usually appreciates Kajol’s performances but not the films themselves, was so impressed with Gupt that she exclaimed, “What a film!” For Kajol, this was the highest form of praise she could receive from her mother.
Kajol, reflecting on the past, shared how the film industry was different during her early days. Back then, there were fewer entertainment options, making a film’s success easier to determine.
The actress highlighted how, in the past, with fewer entertainment options and no social media, a film had a higher chance of becoming successful. Achieving milestones like completing 25 weeks or reaching a golden jubilee was more common. Today, however, competition is much fiercer, especially due to the rise of digital platforms.
Kajol found Gupt compelling due to its bold character and the film’s unexpected storyline. She was drawn to the shock value of the film, which made her excited to take on the role. The story’s boldness and surprise elements played a key part in her decision.