Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani have officially begun their pre-wedding festivities in Goa, creating excitement among their family and friends. The couple was joined by notable family members, including Neetu Kapoor, Karisma Kapoor, Armaan Jain, Anissa Malhotra Jain, and Nitasha Nanda. However, some of Aadar’s cousins like Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan were absent from the celebrations. Riddhima Kapoor Sahni had earlier expressed her feelings of missing out on the fun by stating she was experiencing major ‘FOMO’ but promised to join the festivities soon.
Images from the event reveal a romantic moment between Aadar and Alekha, who shared a passionate kiss against the backdrop of a stunning sunset on the beach. Aadar re-posted many pictures and videos on his Instagram stories. Although many might assume it was a wedding celebration, as per News18, it was a pre-wedding celebrations. Photos and videos captured Alekha arriving with her parents and Aadar joyously dancing during the festivities.
Aadar looked dapper in a blue formal suit, while Alekha dazzled in a white shimmery gown. Neetu Kapoor alos shared a family snapshot on her Instagram stories featuring Aadar and Alekha, with Karisma posing alongside them. In the photo, Neetu wore a chic white outfit, while Karishma looked lovely in a flowing blue dress. Aadar’s brother Armaan sported a stylish white and black striped tee, and Anissa Malhotra Jain chose a pastel blue floral co-ord set.
The couple got engaged in September last year, at a beach location, sharing the photos on Instagram the captioned the post “My first crush, my best friend & now, my forever
”. Now the pre-wedding celebrations at a beach location again mars an exciting time for Aadar Jain and Alekha Advani.