Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his house in Mumbai as there was an attempt at robbery. The actor was asleep when the accused entered his house and when he came out to see the chaos, the actor had a fight with the burglar. He was then stabbed. According to the doctor, the actor was stabbed six times and one cut was near his spine. As he was rushed to the hospital and taken for surgery, Saif is now safe and out of danger.
As this led to many citizens think about the safety of people in Mumbai, Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Devendra Fadnavis has reacted to this attack on Saif.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
He had attended the screening of Kangana Ranaut‘s film ‘Emergency’. Reacting to all the criticism and people calling Mumbai unsafe, Fadnavis said, “Among all the megacities in the country, Mumbai is the safest. It is true that some incidents take place sometimes and they should be treated with seriousness but to say, based on one incident, that Mumbai is unsafe would not be correct. This tarnishes Mumbai’s image. But the government is working to make Mumbai even safer.”
He further added, “Police has given all details regarding what happened. What kind of attack is this, what is actually behind this and what was the intention behind the attack is all before you,” thus further not commenting on it.
Dr Nitin Dange who performed Saif’s surgery also updated the media about his health and said he’s now safe. “Saif Ali Khan was admitted to the hospital at 2 am with alleged history of assault by some unknown person. He sustained a major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine. A surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair leaking spinal fluid. Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one other on his neck were repaired by the plastic surgery team. He is completely stable now. He is recovering well and out of danger now,” said Dr Dange.
The police is investigating the matter and it’s now known that one accused as been identified and he entered the building via the fire exit.