Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis assured on Friday that the police have gathered significant clues in the stabbing case of Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan and will soon apprehend the culprit, as per PTI. Speaking to the media in Nagpur, Fadnavis, who also oversees the home portfolio, stated, “Police investigation is going on….they have got many clues and I feel the police will very soon zero in (on the culprit).”
The attack took place early Thursday morning when an intruder entered Saif’s Bandra residence and stabbed him multiple times.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
Saif, grievously injured, was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery and is now recovering.
The Mumbai Police confirmed that no arrests have been made yet. Saif’s household staff was brought in for questioning but later allowed to leave. The investigation remains ongoing.
The auto-rickshaw driver, Rana, who transported Saif to the hospital, narrated the harrowing night. “It was around 2-3 a.m. when I saw a woman trying to hire an auto. Hearing calls for a rickshaw from inside the gate, I took a U-turn. A man covered in blood came out with 2-4 others. They put him in my rickshaw, and I dropped them at Lilavati Hospital. Later, I learned it was Saif Ali Khan. He was bleeding heavily from his neck and back,” Rana told ANI.
The incident reportedly began when the intruder confronted Saif’s maid in his 11th-floor apartment. Saif intervened, leading to a violent altercation in which he sustained multiple stab wounds.
Doctors at Lilavati performed critical surgery to remove a 2.5-inch blade lodged in Saif’s thoracic spinal cord and repair leaking spinal fluid. While Saif remains under observation, he is currently out of danger.