Mahesh Babu and director SS Rajamouli‘s highly anticipated film ‘SSMB29’ is officially underway, following a traditional pooja ceremony to mark the beginning of the project. The film has already generated excitement among fans, particularly with recent reports that Priyanka Chopra Jonas has been roped in as the female lead. Recently, Priyanka was spotted making her way to Hyderabad, and a video from the airport went viral on social media as fans speculated she was set to shoot for the movie.
In the video shared by paparazzi online, Priyanka Chopra was seen arriving at the airport, dressed casually in an all-brown hoodie ensemble.
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She paired the outfit with a bright yellow baseball cap, maintaining a chic yet comfortable appearance as she made her way out. Many speculated that she had reached Hyderabad for the film’s shoot, but an official confirmation regarding the same is still awaited.
According to Pinkvilla, SSMB29 is described as a global adventure set across exotic locations. Mahesh Babu is set to headline the project, playing a role inspired by the Hindu god Hanuman, while Priyanka Chopra will star opposite him. Sources close to the production reveal that the actress and Rajamouli had been in discussions for about six months before she decided to return to Indian cinema after a five-year hiatus.
The ambitious project will reportedly be produced with a massive budget of Rs 900–Rs 1,000 crores, spread across two parts. As per reports, filming is set to commence in April 2025, with the movie’s production expected to continue until late 2026. It is likely to hit theatres in 2027 and 2029.
Mahesh Babu’s last film, Guntur Kaaram, directed by Trivikram Srinivas, did not perform well at the box office. The actor has now been spotted sporting a rugged new look with long hair and a grown beard.