A few days ago, Deepak Tijori had said that Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan and many other celebs were going to do a cameo in his movie ‘Pehla Nasha’. This particular scene required celebrities to come together for a film’s premiere. Deepak added that when Saif was getting ready at home, his then-wife Amrita was shocked to know this. This statement went viral and everyone wrote that Amrita stopped Saif from doing this cameo and supporting the film.However, Deepak is upset that his statement is being misconstrued. He’s now clarified it and here’s what he meant.
The ‘Aashiqui’ actor said during a chat with Bollywood Hungama, “I would like to clarify something. I said something recently that got misconstrued. I was asked how I managed to get so many actors for the premiere scene in Pehla Nasha. I replied, ‘We were all friends. Hence, we supported each other in every way we can.’ Then I said, ‘When Saif Ali Khan was getting ready, Amrita Singh asked him where he was going. To which he said, ‘I am going to shoot for the premiere scene in Deepak’s film’. At this, Amrita replied, ‘Kya baat hai. Your generation of actors is different. We never supported one another in such a manner. Aap logon ki dosti ko manna padega.’”
Deepak further added that this is what he meant but everyone took it as Amrita stopped Saif from supporting his film, which is not true. He further added that Amrita is a sweetheart and a wonderful woman. She has been supportive of every actor. “Par itna ghatiya quote banaa diya. (But people made up a wrong quote). I wake up and get pained to see all these things which I never said,” said Deepak.
The ‘Aashiqui’ actor said during a chat with Bollywood Hungama, “I would like to clarify something. I said something recently that got misconstrued. I was asked how I managed to get so many actors for the premiere scene in Pehla Nasha. I replied, ‘We were all friends. Hence, we supported each other in every way we can.’ Then I said, ‘When Saif Ali Khan was getting ready, Amrita Singh asked him where he was going. To which he said, ‘I am going to shoot for the premiere scene in Deepak’s film’. At this, Amrita replied, ‘Kya baat hai. Your generation of actors is different. We never supported one another in such a manner. Aap logon ki dosti ko manna padega.’”
Deepak further added that this is what he meant but everyone took it as Amrita stopped Saif from supporting his film, which is not true. He further added that Amrita is a sweetheart and a wonderful woman. She has been supportive of every actor. “Par itna ghatiya quote banaa diya. (But people made up a wrong quote). I wake up and get pained to see all these things which I never said,” said Deepak.