The actress has now dropped some new pictures which show details of her saree and look.As she shared these images, the internet couldn’t stop gushing over her. Many celebs showered praises on Alia. Mrunal Thakur commented on Alia’s photos and she wrote, “Queen ❤️❤️❤️” Janhvi Kapoor said, “Insane insane insane”
Alia had also shared the kind of effort which went into making this saree. The actress wrote, “It has taken a collective effort of 163 dedicated individuals, including master craftspeople, embroiderers, artists, and dyers, investing a total of 1965-man hours to create this ethereal saree. As I wear this outfit, I feel incredibly grateful to embody this exquisite creation, a testament to boundless love and painstaking effort.”
While Alia has also got some bit of flak as some sort this saree was not something which one hasn’t seen before. But most people absolutely loved Alia’s look and felt that she completely aced it and represented India well by flaunting a timeless saree at the Met Gala.