Azmi’s cinematic legacy spanning five decades garners global recognition.Recently, on May 10, she received the esteemed Freedom to City award from the London Corporation, highlighting her international acclaim. Additionally, the New York Indian Film Festival‘s upcoming edition will feature a special event on June 2, showcasing her 1996 film ‘Fire,’ directed by Deepa Mehta.
Over the past 50 years, Shabana Azmi has witnessed a significant shift in the film industry’s dynamics, from her mainstream roles to the present day. She acknowledges the massive changes, reminiscing about a time when actors juggled multiple films simultaneously, without the luxuries of modern amenities like air-conditioned sets or lavish vanity vans. Despite the challenges, this era fostered a strong sense of camaraderie among the cast and crew, as they would often linger on set after shooting, feeling deeply connected to the filmmaking process.
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Next on Azmi’s agenda is filming ‘Bun Tikki‘ alongside Zeenat Aman, reuniting after 41 years since ‘Ashanti’ (1982). Despite intermittent communication, their cordial relationship persists. Reuniting for ‘Bun Tikki,’ Azmi feels as if no time has passed, describing Aman as warm and welcoming, their reunion marked by a heartfelt embrace.