On Wednesday afternoon, Arbaaz stepped out with his wife Sshura Khan in the city. They were quickly surrounded by photographers to capture their picture together.However, Arbaaz questioned their approach and asked, “Back shot kyu le rahe ho (Why are you taking back shot)?”
Earlier in the day, Janhvi Kapoor, while attending a promotional event for her upcoming film Mr and Mrs Mahi, was captured on video warning a paparazzo against taking her photo from an inappropriate angle. Clad in a striking red backless dress, Janhvi firmly stated, “Aap na galat galat angles mat liya kijiye please (Please don’t take photos from wrong angles).”
Arbaaz Khan and Sshura Khan share sweet moments at Iftar Party; Raveena Tandon gets mobbed by fans
Joining the conversation, singer Neha Bhasin also called out paparazzi for consistently taking photos from behind. In a video shared on social media, Neha responded to photographers’ requests for a pose by remarking, “Lena toh aapne humesha peeche se hi hota hai (You always click from behind anyway).”
A couple of months ago, Mrunal Thakur refused to pose when the paparazzi requested her to give a back pose. In another instance, Prachi Desai showcased similar sentiments when she was promoting her upcoming project. Previously, Palak Tiwari, daughter of Shweta Tiwari, had also raised her voice and politely requested the photographers to not click her pictures from behind. However, her request was ignored.