The third installment of the ‘Welcome’ franchise, has been in news, ever since the film was announced. It has an impresseve ensemble consisting of actors like Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty, Paresh Rawal, Sanjay Dutt, Arshad Warsi, Lara Dutta, Shreyas Talpade, Raveena Tandon among many others. The film had gone on floors a while ago and now as per a latest report, the first schedule has been wrapped up in Mumbai.
According to some reports, a grand dance sequence with 500 dancers was shot in Mumbai.As per a latest update by News18, the film had also hired 200 horses for a power packed action sequnce. The safety of all the horses were ensured, but this has made for a never-seen-before action sequence. A huge set was put up at Film city and horses came from stables across Mumbai, Mahabaleshwar and Lonavla. This first schedule of the movie of about 40 days has now been wrapped up and soon, the cast and crew will begin the second schedule.
However, one hopes, there’s no glitch because according to latest reports, Sanjay Dutt has exited the film after shooting for 15 days.
Reportedly, the actor had issues with the scripts as well as the conflicts in the film’s schedule. He was meant to play an important role in the movie and had shot for some portions. An official confirmation on this is yet to be made by the makers.
Meanwhile, Akshay had been shooting for ‘Jolly LLB 3’ with Arshad Warsi in Rajasthan and they recently wrapped the first schedule.
According to some reports, a grand dance sequence with 500 dancers was shot in Mumbai.As per a latest update by News18, the film had also hired 200 horses for a power packed action sequnce. The safety of all the horses were ensured, but this has made for a never-seen-before action sequence. A huge set was put up at Film city and horses came from stables across Mumbai, Mahabaleshwar and Lonavla. This first schedule of the movie of about 40 days has now been wrapped up and soon, the cast and crew will begin the second schedule.
However, one hopes, there’s no glitch because according to latest reports, Sanjay Dutt has exited the film after shooting for 15 days.
Reportedly, the actor had issues with the scripts as well as the conflicts in the film’s schedule. He was meant to play an important role in the movie and had shot for some portions. An official confirmation on this is yet to be made by the makers.
Meanwhile, Akshay had been shooting for ‘Jolly LLB 3’ with Arshad Warsi in Rajasthan and they recently wrapped the first schedule.