Taking to Instagram, celebrity hairstylist, Aalim Hakim shared a BTS video of Ranbir Kapoor’s look test. Sharing the video, Hakim wrote, “Ranbir Kapoor’s long hair & beard look test as Ranvijay for Movie ANIMAL.This Long hair look test was very important for all of us as this was the main look to stay maximum time onscreen. We designed the hairstyle with lot of texture and a free flow movement also the beard which has a strong shape but not too clean at the edges.”
He added, “Again Genius director Sandeep Reddy Vanga had many meetings regarding the length of his hair and beard in the film. He explained the emotional patch of the character is going through so the hair cannot look so groomed and neither beard but at the same time Ranbir Kapoor/Ranvijay has to look very strong and fierce onscreen.”
Fans took to the comments section after he shared the video. One wrote, “daddy is daddying so hard”. Another commented, “Ufff What Looks”. Another was impressed both by Ranbir and Aalim, writing, “alimhakim got obsessed with Animal Ranbir”.
Recently, the hairstylist Aalim Hakim also some unseen pictures of Ranbir as Aziz from Animal. For those unaware, Ranbir played Ranvijay Singh in the film, but by the end of it, it was revealed that Aziz went through a face transplant to look exactly like him.
Apart from ‘Animal Park’, Ranbir will soon be seen in Nitesh Tiwari’s ‘Ramayana’ with Sai Pallavi as his co-star. He will also star in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and War with Vicky Kaushal and Alia Bhatt.