On Tuesday, the ‘Pink’ actor took to his Instagram handle to share a hilarious video with his wife. In the video, we can see Neha looking at the camera lens while Angad is lip-syncing to the song Breakdown Stories by Alistiar Alvin.“Breakdown after looking at ghar de kharche bro!!!! @nehadhupia,” the video caption reads.
As soon as Angad shared the video, likes and comments poured in from all corners. Neha Dhupia commented on the clip, “Summer plans canceled after seeing Kharchas (multiple laughing emoticons).”
Recently, the star couple celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary. To make the day extra special, Neha took to her Instagram account and penned a heartfelt post for her loving husband.
She wrote, “To the love of my life, look how far we have come… Through the friendship, the fights, and the freestyle swimming in open waters… Through the laughs, the victories, and the losses… through the impulsive travels, the unplanned date nights, and the late-night chats till the wee hours of the morning… through the crazy workouts, the midnight snacking, your annoying phone habits, and your ability to watch the same match and movie over and over again… Through our gorgeous, adorable, extremely squishable babies and, of course, through this adventure called life… I would do it over and over again with you and only you! Here’s to us! SIX YEARS BABY… #happyanniversary, my love, @angadbedi I love you.”
Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi, after dating for a while, tied the knot in a private Gurudwara ceremony on May 10, 2018. The couple is now proud parents to two adorable children, Mehr and Guriq Singh Dhupia Bedi, born in 2018 and 2021, respectively.