Bollywood heartthrob Sidharth Malhotra has set social media ablaze with a stunning selfie from the opulent pre-wedding bash of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The lavish event took place aboard a luxury cruise, and Sidharth Malhotra has now shared a glimpse of the same.
On Friday, June 7, the actor dropped a selfie taken during their Italian stay during Anant-Radhika’s pre-wedding festivity.In the picture, Sidharth Malhotra is seen looking dapper in a linen white shirt, enjoying the magnificent sunset. He dropped the selfie on Instagram and captioned, “Selfie game on point? #Sunset #TravelDiary.” Quick to react, Kiara Advani hit like on the post.
The post was also flooded with comments from admirers of the actor. A fan of Sidharth Malhotra wrote, “Already it’s too hot, have some mercy sir.” Another ardent admirer of Sidharth Malhotra commented, “You’re always on point.” A netizen wrote, “Yeh dil maange more of you sir.” Another Instagram user said, “Eid ka chand is more consistent than you.”
Check out the picture here.
On Friday, June 7, the actor dropped a selfie taken during their Italian stay during Anant-Radhika’s pre-wedding festivity.In the picture, Sidharth Malhotra is seen looking dapper in a linen white shirt, enjoying the magnificent sunset. He dropped the selfie on Instagram and captioned, “Selfie game on point? #Sunset #TravelDiary.” Quick to react, Kiara Advani hit like on the post.
The post was also flooded with comments from admirers of the actor. A fan of Sidharth Malhotra wrote, “Already it’s too hot, have some mercy sir.” Another ardent admirer of Sidharth Malhotra commented, “You’re always on point.” A netizen wrote, “Yeh dil maange more of you sir.” Another Instagram user said, “Eid ka chand is more consistent than you.”
Check out the picture here.
Ranveer, Orry & Veer Pahariya set the dance floor ablaze at Anant-Radhika’s pre-wedding bash
Anant Ambani, the youngest son of business tycoon Mukesh Ambani, and Radhika Merchant, daughter of industrialist Viren Merchant, have been the talk of the town ever since their engagement was announced. Similar to their first, the second pre-wedding celebrations were nothing short of spectacular, with the cruise party being attended by some of the biggest stars from Bollywood including Ranveer Singh, Kiara Advani, Sidharth Malhotra, Janhvi Kapoor, and others.