This Sunday was extra special for fans of Amitabh Bachchan who gathered outside his bungalow for the weekly date. The actor distributed goodies to all those who turned up for the meeting with the superstar. In a blog post penned late at night, the veteran actor expressed gratitude towards his fans.
“the outpouring is so emotional .. words fall short of expression on the presence of all that come to my humble home ..may all the goodness be within you all and may the grace of the Almighty ever be you ..” wrote Big B. He also penned in Hindi, “I will always keep this love in my heart, it is my wealth, I will always take care of it and give it a place in my heart.” Amitabh Bachchan also performed Shiva Abhishek at the marble temple at his residence on Sunday morning and gave fans a glimpse of the same on his blog.
The veteran actor is currently riding high on the success of his latest release, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’. Speaking about filmmaking with an awe of a newcomer, he added in Hindi, which translates as, “There is so much left to learn; It is surprising when we watch other films, how beautiful the acting, direction, everything is; Feels like I would like to be where this kind of thing happens!!”
At the domestic box office, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ has managed to cross a whopping Rs 507 crore in 11 days, meanwhile at the worldwide level, the film has crossed Rs 750 crore. The present trend suggests that the film is expected to mint over Rs 1000 crore by the end of its theatrical run. Mounted on a budget of Rs 600 crore, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ stars heavyweights like Kamal Haasan, Prabhas and Deepika Padukone.
“the outpouring is so emotional .. words fall short of expression on the presence of all that come to my humble home ..may all the goodness be within you all and may the grace of the Almighty ever be you ..” wrote Big B. He also penned in Hindi, “I will always keep this love in my heart, it is my wealth, I will always take care of it and give it a place in my heart.” Amitabh Bachchan also performed Shiva Abhishek at the marble temple at his residence on Sunday morning and gave fans a glimpse of the same on his blog.
The veteran actor is currently riding high on the success of his latest release, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’. Speaking about filmmaking with an awe of a newcomer, he added in Hindi, which translates as, “There is so much left to learn; It is surprising when we watch other films, how beautiful the acting, direction, everything is; Feels like I would like to be where this kind of thing happens!!”
At the domestic box office, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ has managed to cross a whopping Rs 507 crore in 11 days, meanwhile at the worldwide level, the film has crossed Rs 750 crore. The present trend suggests that the film is expected to mint over Rs 1000 crore by the end of its theatrical run. Mounted on a budget of Rs 600 crore, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ stars heavyweights like Kamal Haasan, Prabhas and Deepika Padukone.
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