The mother of the groom, Nita Ambani was seen at the entrance of the venue, warmly welcoming her guests to the celebrations. Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian, who were among the high-profile guests at the ceremony, warmly welcomed the Kardashian sisters.In a video going viral, Ambani was seen holding Kim’s hand and making a grand entrance with her into the wedding hall. Joining the duo was Ambani’s jewellery designer Lorraine Schwartz, who created some of Nita and Radhika Merchant’s stunning jewellery pieces for the pre-wedding festivities.
Following behind in the procession were Khloe and celebrity hairstylist Chris Appleton.
Kim embraced her desi side for the wedding, making jaws drop in a shimmery red sequin saree by Manish Malhotra. The saree was paired with a daring blouse, complete with tassel detailing at the hemline.
Kim shared her excitement about attending the wedding on her Instagram stories, posting several videos that provided a sneak peek into her look. “I’m going to a wedding,” Kim said in one of the videos, expressing her enthusiasm for the event.
Khloe, also present at the wedding, opted for a stunning white saree with gold detailing and joined Kim in sharing glimpses of their Indian adventure.
The Kardashian sisters also revealed that they are filming for their reality show ‘The Kardashians’ in Mumbai, giving fans a glimpse of their royal welcome at a hotel, and their adventures around the city in an auto-rickshaw. In the video, the sisters can be seen with their foreheads adorned with traditional tilaks, fully embracing the local culture. Rumours are rife that glimpses from the Ambani wedding will also feature in the reality TV show.
Kim & Khloe Kardashian Receive a Traditional Indian Welcome at the Hotel