The Ambani wedding was a grand affair indeed as Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant finally tied the knot on Friday. The couple looked all things adorable as they took their wedding wows after the pheras at the ‘lagna vidhi’. The baaraat was epic as celebs danced their heart out and Priyanka Chopra who attended the wedding with Nick Jonas stole the show.Priyanka was seen dancing on ‘Sapne Mein Milti Hai‘ at the wedding. Ranveer Singh was accompanying her and Nick also was seen matching steps.
As this video of Priyanka dancing on this iconic song from ‘Satya‘, goes viral, Ram Gopal Varma, the man behind the film and song has reacted to it. The original song featured Manoj Bajpayee and Shefali Shah. A remix of the song was made recently. However, it was a treat for fans to see Priyanka dancing her heart out on this number.
RGV shared this video on X (formerly Twitter) which was posted by a paparazzo. He reacted to it and said, “A wedding song of a slum in bombay being played at the wedding of the richest man in the country once again proves that art has no boundaries.”
As this video of Priyanka dancing on this iconic song from ‘Satya‘, goes viral, Ram Gopal Varma, the man behind the film and song has reacted to it. The original song featured Manoj Bajpayee and Shefali Shah. A remix of the song was made recently. However, it was a treat for fans to see Priyanka dancing her heart out on this number.
RGV shared this video on X (formerly Twitter) which was posted by a paparazzo. He reacted to it and said, “A wedding song of a slum in bombay being played at the wedding of the richest man in the country once again proves that art has no boundaries.”
Ram Gopal Varma is known for many of his iconic songs, be it this one or the entire album of ‘Rangeela’ amidst many others. Netizens reacted to RGV’s reaction to this song playing at the Ambani shadi. A user said, “Thts the power u have given to the songs and movies.” Another one wrote, “💯only rgv can write lines like these..”
Apart from Priyanka, many others celebs like Ranveer Singh, Ananya Panday, Hardik Pandya among others were seen dancing their hearts out. But the best moment was Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan recreating the ‘Karan Arjun’ moment while dancing on ‘Bhangda Pa Le’.