Taapsee Pannu tied the knot with boyfriend Mathias Boe in March this year, in Udaipur. The actress kept it a very low-key affair as she didn’t want to publicise it or make it a big talking point. It was also something very private to her. In a recent interview, Taapsee has opened up on her wedding and also revealed that she was engaged to Mathias, 9 years ago.
For those not in the know, Mathias and Taapsee have been dating each other for over 10 years now. Boe is a Badminton player who has even won at Olympics. He’s one of the best badminton players in the world. Earlier, Taapsee had also said in an interview that she feels sad for people who ask ‘Who is Mathias?’.
Talking about being engaged to him, the actress said during a chat with Fever FM, “I said yes to his proposal nine years back. It is probably one of the longest engagements in the history of sorts.”
The actress also said that her parents were happy with her marriage plans. The ‘Dunki’ actress further added that they made their own rules. Earlier, she had discussed her marriage plans and said that she will get married when she’s comfortable and now she finally did it when she wanted to. Mathias waited and was happy with whatever or whenever she chooses it.
Taapsee was last seen in ‘Dunki’ alongside Shah Rukh Khan and has ‘Khel Khel Mein‘ lined up ahead for release. It also stars Akshay Kumar, Fardeen Khan, Vaani Kapoor, among others.
For those not in the know, Mathias and Taapsee have been dating each other for over 10 years now. Boe is a Badminton player who has even won at Olympics. He’s one of the best badminton players in the world. Earlier, Taapsee had also said in an interview that she feels sad for people who ask ‘Who is Mathias?’.
Talking about being engaged to him, the actress said during a chat with Fever FM, “I said yes to his proposal nine years back. It is probably one of the longest engagements in the history of sorts.”
The actress also said that her parents were happy with her marriage plans. The ‘Dunki’ actress further added that they made their own rules. Earlier, she had discussed her marriage plans and said that she will get married when she’s comfortable and now she finally did it when she wanted to. Mathias waited and was happy with whatever or whenever she chooses it.
Taapsee was last seen in ‘Dunki’ alongside Shah Rukh Khan and has ‘Khel Khel Mein‘ lined up ahead for release. It also stars Akshay Kumar, Fardeen Khan, Vaani Kapoor, among others.