Veteran actor Anil Kapoor praised the match, writing, “An edge-of-the-seat match that ends with a win for Team India!!! The semi-finals are going to be amazing! Congratulations on a well-deserved win!! Come on.”
Emraan Hashmi also celebrated the win, posting, “Wow Congratulations team India!!” Neha Dhupia shared her excitement with a video, saying, “#chakdeindia Bharat.Semi-finals mein woohoooo ! #sreejesh #harmanpreetsingh and the entire #indianhockeyteam @Olympics.”
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Taapsee Pannu, who was watching the game in Paris, expressed her joy and told India Today, “Hum jeet gaye (We won).” She reflected on the match’s challenges, including a red card in the first quarter, and praised goalkeeper Sreejesh for his heroic saves. Taapsee also shared her happiness about returning to India after the victory. Mathias Boe, who attended his first hockey match, also congratulated the Indian team on their success.
India is now just one win away from earning a second consecutive Olympic medal and will face either Germany or Argentina in the semi-finals.